Foreign Missions

The Foreign Missions of the Free Reformed Churches of North America have focused for years now on missions in Guatemala. We have sent missionaries there and we are still supporting a variety of activities in connection with:

a) Church services held in Cubulco and in the many aldeas spread around the countryside

b) The Bible Institute which teaches the leaders of the churches in the aldeas

c) Radio Ministry, which is co-funded by the church

d) various education programs and youth camps.

A great joy after 20 years has been the completion of the Bible translation into the Achi language. Our participation in the work in Guatemala is not over but winding down as we have worked with the Presbyterian church in Guatemala to take it over.The emphasis in the Foreign Mission’s committee is now more to send out ministers and professors to teach various classes and courses as opportunities arises for that in different countries. Our aim is to train people in their own settings to go out to minister to their own people. Presently our concentration is in South Africa in conjunction with a Heritage Reformed Church seminary and hospital ministry there

Consider the following...

For encouragement in the midst of this duty, Job’s pattern also makes it clear that diligent spiritual leadership in the home can produce a happy, harmonious family. Job’s family seems to have been a cheerful, close knit bunch. Given that Job’s wife later told her husband to curse God and die, the happiness of the family was probably not her doing.

— Sam Waldron