
The Consistory (also sometimes referred to as Church Council or Church Board) is made up of elders, deacons, and pastors.) We, in Calgary FRC have presently three elders and one deacon, and one pastor. Our office bearers are not self-appointed men, but confessing members of the church, called to serve by God through the consistory and church. The Consistory is responsible for the government, spiritual care, diaconal care and godly discipline of the church. A faithful consistory seeks always to serve in the name of Christ, according to the Word of the Lord, and after the manner of Christ. What a blessing when there is spiritual unity and godly focus among the leadership in the church, (Psalm 133). This is always something to pray for and to cultivate and never to take for granted.

Consider the following...

Death is no punishment to the believer: it is the gate of endless joy.

— Charles Spurgeon