
Adult Sunday School: The current study is on the Westminster Shorter Catechism by Reverend Robert McCurley. The archived YouTube material can be accessed here.

Congregational Bible Study: The current study is on the book of Genesis. Various commentaries are referenced for this study.

Ladies’ Bible Study:
At this time the ladies’ Bible study group is not meeting, but joins in with the congregational Bible study (please see above) every other Tuesday.

Prayer Meetings:
We meet for prayer meetings every first and third Wednesday of each month.  We begin with a time of reflection and instruction based on a Scripture reading and a meditation from a Christian book or video. Following the mentioning of different prayer and praise items, there is a time of prayer with all present being given the opportunity to pray. We often sing before and after the time of prayer too. It is an edifying time together for all who attend. Everyone is most welcome to join in on the meeting.

The book we are using now for prayer meeting is John Piper’s book Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die. The book is available for free at

Confession of Faith Class:
This class is for those who are thinking to become confessing members of the congregation. The class is primarily for covenant youth raised in the church who come to the point they personally and publically desire to confess the Christian faith they have been raised with, or who at least are seriously thinking about this matter. The class is also for those who would like a refresher course on some of the basic truths and convictions of the Christian faith as also taught in our churches on the basis of God’s Word and the Reformed Confessions. In addition, all those visiting our church who may be interested to learn more about the Christian doctrines and practices of the Free Reformed Churches in anticipation of possibly joining or having joined the church as confessing members, are also most welcome to attend these classes. Usually, the class involves about 20 sessions with the following being the main topics in our study, plus any questions that may come from those in the group meeting. Contact Pastor Chris Mourik if you are interested to join a class at [email protected] or by phone at (403) 259-6591.

Reading Group:
The reading group is not meeting at this time. Archived material on Herman Barvinck’s Reformed Dogmatics and John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion can be found here.

Consider the following...

Married life is not all sugar, but grace in the heart will keep away most of the sours.

— Charles Spurgeon